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Aerial Letter Banners
Graduation Messages
Aerial Billboards
Logo Samples
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Air Ads Really Work
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Aerial Memorial Scattering
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For Immediate Release !

AutoTrader.Com. the successful Georgia based web sales outlet for new and used cars, has engaged California’s Aerial Advertising Services to deliver a flexible marketing and brand awareness campaign.

This campaign displays targeted aerial billboards over competing football venues for the duration of the 2005 NFL season, at a surprisingly affordable price.

The brilliant computer printed billboards and message streamers, totaling 3,000 square feet, not only carry the distinctive AutoTrader logo and name, but also a message targeted to the sensibilities of rival Oakland Raiders and San Francisco 49ers fans (see billboard and stadium photographs) .

"Aerial Advertising is a new tactic for AutoTrader.com," says Hal Greene, Senior Vice President of Sales, AutoTrader.Com. 'Stadium fans couldn't miss our flyover banner at a recent San Francisco 49ers game."

The media is flown over pre-game tailgate parties and heavy traffic that precede each home game, and is expected to be seen by 40-50,000 auto-centric fans, both at the game and on freeways leading to the stadiums

The media is easily transported overnight to remote locations, even across the country, on short notice and can be exhibited in almost any of the top 100 metropolitan areas.

Send mail to Support@AerialServices.org with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2002-2010 Aerial Services, a division of TeamBuilders, Inc. Last modified: 01/24/10


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